AI Automotive Advisor
Choose the Perfect Package for you and let AI Simplify your journey
- Side by side with 3 car options (only one visible)
- Side by side with 3 car options.
- 3 Top features for each car.
- Solid recommendation.
- Side by side with 3 car options.
- 3 Top features for each car.
- More Solid recommendation.
- Total Cost of Ownership over 5 years.
- Realiability of each car option.
- Coming soon
Comparison of 3 vehicle options (only one is visble).
Package Active includes:
One AI-powered report.
Comparison of 3 vehicles (detailed features visible for 1 vehicle only)
Comparison of the best 3 vehicle options that match your needs.
One-Time Payment
Package S includes:
Two AI-powered reports.
Comparison of 3 vehicles (detailed features visible for all of them).
Comparison of the best 3 vehicle options with the Cost of Ownership (CTO).
One-Time Payment
Package GT includes:
Four AI-powered reports.
Comparison of 3 vehicles (detailed features visible for all of them).
Cost of ownership (CTO) for of 3 vehicles.
More insights as brand loyalty, reliability, opinions, etc.​
Cost Of Ownership: Discover the true cost of owning a car.
One-Time Payment
CTO includes:
Custom Calculation: Enter your car or select from our list.
Depreciation & Financing: See value loss & loan impact.
Taxes & Registration: Local taxes & fees.
Insurance & Maintenance: Ongoing costs estimate.
Fuel/Electricity: Long-term expenses comparison.
Complete Overview: Make better decisions.